Thursday, July 16, 2009

Watering the rocks

Boy do I feel lucky. Yes I say 'lucky, lucky me.' I just happen to live in a neighborhood that features one of the most innovative road crews in the state. Or perhaps the nation. These guys and gals have singlehandedly taken everything I thought I knew about the fine art of road repairs and set it all on its head. Transformed the medium right before my obviously naive and ignorant eyes.

Again I say 'lucky, lucky me.'

I didn't realize how little I knew about road repairs until I witnessed these Picasso's of the gravel arts in action. It all started last week when trucks roamed through the neighborhood dumping tons and tons of loose rock on top of the roads. Now, I've seen this little maneuver before. In all of my previous, and unenlightened, experiences crews followed up by dumping tar on top of the rocks. This sealed the entire substance together and magically created a new and improved road. It's fun to drive on. Great to look at. And smells like a tar pit in springtime (yum!).

Well this little maneuver must have been far too amateurish for these fine masters of their road-repair craft. Up until this afternoon the roads in my neighborhood were left completely alone. All of my neighbors and I were given the great opportunity to drive over loose rock day after glorious day. Personally, I loved it. Our family has a cabin located in a remote Idaho mining town. The only road in and out of this town is a gravel beauty that kicks up enough dust reach monsoon status in several states. So naturally I bumped and bopped through our neighborhood this week filled with glorious visions of mountains and streams, while completely ignoring the Hummers on my tail.

This very afternoon our heroes of the asphault unleashed their mind-blowingly innovative scheme. They sent trucks through the entire neighborhood once again. And just what where these new trucks doing, you ask? Why, they were dumping tons of water on top of the rocks.

I never would have thought of that!

Loose rocks and water! It's so unexpected, so thinking out of the box. I'm sure these new roads are going to be absolutely spectacular! As soon as we're finished running our cars through this sloppy, muddy mess that is.

Brilliant right?

Keep those thinking caps on kiddies.

- Dave


April said...

Um, it looked like water, but it made the rocks stick together... was it superglue? Honey, you have some time on your hands, will you call the Eagle Mayor and find out what that stuff was? :)

Anonymous said...

Nah. Random and pointless complaining to nobody in particular on my blog is more my style.

- Dave