Thursday, November 20, 2008

I need a bailout to pay for my Hummer

I heard the funniest thing while listening to the radio this morning. I was partaking in my usual custom of bellowing out "Burning Love" Elvis style in the shower, when a couple of talking heads began chatting about the national bailout plan and unveiled the most unbelievable story. I put down my Hannah Montana shower microphone right then and there and simply stared at the radio. I could not believe what I was hearing.

According to the talking heads, and keep in mind this is talk radio, a number of CEO's in the automobile industry traveled to Washington D.C. recently to claim poverty and beg for bailout funds from the federal government. Just how did these poor, destitute executives who so dearly need "a penny for your troubles, sir," travel to our nation's capitol? Apparently most of them flew on private corporate jets!


This is one of those stories where you don't know whether to laugh or cry. It reminds me of a situation a few years ago when multi-millionaire NBA players staged a holdout to get even more millions. One of these enlightened players justified the move by saying something to the effect of,"Yeah we make a lot of money. But we spend a lot too!"

Allow me an opportunity to channel my inner grumpy old man for a moment -- "What in tarnation is this world coming to!! In my day a man was responsible for his actions!! If he done screwed up and lost all his money, well too bad!! I used to walk 28 miles to school every day, in a driving snow storm, up glacial peaks, barefoot ...." Okay, I"ll cut him off right there.

But seriously folks! Has the world really come to this? Do we really live in a society where we fly on corporate jets to claim poverty and beg for money? Is there no sanity left?

I'd love to continue my string of rhetorical questions, but I've got to get back to the street corner. Michael and I have begun tap-dancing to entertain pedestrians. A five-dollar bill in the top hat will get you a full rendition of "Singing in the Rain," complete with a stirring solo from little Michael.

Hey, my new jet skis won't pay for themselves.

Stay sane kiddies! Stay sane.

- Dave