Friday, April 4, 2008

Old school

Well it happened. I finally hit the big 3-0 today. I've joined the ranks of the middle aged, the silver foxes, the oldies-but-goodies. I've ventured full-force into the land of kids, pets and big Saturday plans at Home Depot, and maybe Bed Bath and Beyond, if there's time. I've left behind the wild days of reckless youth. The booze. The babes. Livin' life on the edge and never caring about The Man or his danged world ....

Oh, who am I kidding?! I never lived that life! Truth be told, I've always been a boring 30-year-old trapped in a young man's body. I married my high school sweetheart, bought a house right out of college and spent my "wild" 20's working and watching football (and not necessarily in that order). In all actuality, I'm relieved to finally be 30. Now I can be as boring as I please and I won't have any pressure to change. I won't feel any societal push to spend time in closet-sized bars squished between about 3,000 people, holding a warm beer and inhaling enough second-hand smoke to kill a herd of elephants. Better yet, I won't have to pretend that it's fun!

No one will ever care that I am an absolute dimwit at parties. I can slide seamlessly from the "weird dude who keeps talking about his kid," to the old guy that loves his family. I don't have to pretend that I have an ounce of coolness ever again! Hallelujah! The pressure's off baby! I can be as boring and dull as I wanna be. I might even go all out, slip on some spectacles and a pair of suspenders, and reel off endless stories with no point whatsoever. This is beautiful!

Here's another harsh truth -- My 20's were a disaster. I spent the entire decade in a career that I hated and trying to be somebody that I wasn't. I was often a miserable person to be around, and I just never got my act together.

So I welcome my 30's. I welcome a fresh new start and a chance to set things right again. These past three years have been a whirlwind, but taking care of Michael each and every day has finally forced me to mature and become an actual adult. It's about time! I plan to utilize these next few years to find my path and live a life that brings happiness to myself and others. True happiness. Not the "Dude I drank until 4 a.m. and I'm so hung over. You should have been there!" happiness.

You young whippersnappers can have that!

Be good kiddies!

- Dave

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