February means inversion season here in our little Camelot. The skies fill with smoke, smog and other unmentionables creating a foggy mess. These inversions are an absolute nightmare for me. I lose the ability to catch my breath, which sends me into a drowsy stupor. Forming simple thoughts becomes nearly impossible and I just want to lie down and sleep.
Other than that it has no effect whatsoever.
Today featured a particularly nasty little inversion. I awoke to find the air quality hovering somewhere between Sleepy Hollow fog and a forest fire. My first thoughts were something resembling, "Boy so foggy, so sleepy ... what?"
Unfortunately my mental state has not improved. I tried engaging in a conversation with a fellow Dad while picking Michael up at kindergarten this morning, and for all I knew the dude was speaking some long extinct Mayan dialect. The language recognition thingy in my brain was not registering. All I could do was nod and try to stay awake.
I've been on a roll with this blog lately and I don't want a little dirt in the air to ruin my streak. So I'm posting here despite the fact that I can't remember my name and I keep misspelling every other word (I usually type at least four words before a misspelling). This should be great fun to read later!
While I'm struggling a bit at the moment, Michael's charmed life continues to flourish. Check out his list of recent accomplishments: Appear on a television show holding a giant Q-tip? Check. Have your picture appear twice on the front page of the "Life" section in the newspaper? Check.
Now he can add one more accomplishment to that list. The little guy has been named the "Star Student of the Week" in his class. My son is a "star." It's officially in writing and everything.
He gets to create a super-sized poster filled with facts about himself and oodles of pictures that will hang prominently on the "honor wall." Michael will also have the honor of a "super share" during show and tell time. He'll share five of his favorite toys and answer questions from his adoring "fans" and classmates.
How cool is that?
I'm happy to report that Michael's celebrity status has not affected him. He's still the same happy and loving kid. Although it appears the ladies have taken notice. Yesterday a beautiful little girl wearing an adorable red coat waltzed up to Michael and smothered him in a huge bear hug.
Michael absolutely beamed with delight. So the saying is true. Some guys have all the luck.
Reach for the stars kiddies.
- Dave
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