Well I'm back safe and sound after a brief hiatus yesterday. It appears Mr. Seriouspants went and hijacked this blog with a bit of old-fashioned ranting and raving. Not that I mind. I think everyone should let their version of Mr. Seriouspants grab the conch and speak his piece now and again. They say confession is good for the soul. I would add that a little venting never hurt either.
So onward we march on this somewhat dreary February afternoon. Let us switch gears now and examine the charmed week my son is currently having. You may not be aware of this, but Michael has become somewhat of a celebrity in these parts. It all started innocently enough. The little guy donned a t-shirt labeled "Ear Wax," stood in front of television cameras for a show called "D4K" on PBS and clowned around with a gigantic Q-tip. Pure television gold baby!
Since that fateful afternoon Michael has appeared in his school newsletter and several, ahem, Facebook postings by his father. Yesterday the Ward family opened the local newspaper and found Michael's picture plastered all over the front page of the "Life" section. There was a large article detailing the show and Michael appeared in two large color photos. The experience was mindblowing for your's truly. It's not every day you see your son on the front page of a newspaper donning an "Ear Wax" shirt and a giant Q-tip.
Michael took his newfound celebrity status in stride. When I showed him the pictures, nearly hyperventilating with excitment, Michael merely glanced up from his computer game and said "Yeah, that's great," with the same amount of enthusiasm he displays when I show him my BCS National Championship trophies on the playstation. Two seconds later he was back to his computer game.
Icewater in his veins, that one. I suppose some people are just born to handle the pressures of fame.
This morning Michael was fully engaged in his ritual of running haphazardly around the school playground with several other screaming kindergarteners when one of the teachers approached him with a huge smile. "Michael, I saw you in the paper yesterday. That was great!," she exclaimed gleefully. Michael looked up at his "fan" and said, "Yeah,I'm famous."
Icewater baby. Icewater.
The moment of truth arrived this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Michael and I sat down and watched the magic happen. "D4K" aired in all its glory, featuring several shots of Michael and his giant Q-tip. It was a wonderful experience for dear old Dad. The room got kind of dusty and my eyes started watering a bit. It's strange how that always seems to happen when Michael works his magic.
I can now say with full confidence that I know greatness. I've talked with greatness. I've shared meals with greatness. And best of all, I get to hold hands with greatness every single morning while walking to school.
Just living the dream, kiddies. Just living the dream.
- Dave
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