Think left and think right
and think low and think high.
Oh, the thinks you can think up if you only try!
- From "Oh The Thinks You Can Think!" by Dr. Seuss
It's Dr. Seuss Week at Michael's kindergarten and the wacky wackiness is well underway. Each day features a crazy kookie activity that Michael is absolutely loving. Monday was Pajama Day and Michael skipped happily to school wearing his best football pj's. A nice yellow and blue ensemble with football helmets everywhere. I believe the Who's at Whoville would have loved it!
Yesterday was "Cat in the Hat" Day and featured quite a nice surprise for the Mommies and Daddies at pickup time. One by one little kids emerged from their classroom sporting extremely cool "Cat in the Hat" hats. Michael was beaming from ear to ear. The moment we got home I pulled out the camera and snapped a picture, as per the instructions on page 75 in the Official Parenting Manual. And of course I put it on my blog. So y'all can see Mr. Handsome himself in his "Cat in the Hat" glory. Isn't he cute?
Michael proudly wore his hat most of the afternoon. There is something about watching the sole male heir to your empire running through the house with a giant "Cat in the Hat" hat and a paddle-ball toy, singing at the top of his lungs, that makes this whole parenting gig worth it.
Right now Michael is enjoying Wacky Socks Day with the rest of his classmates. Mommy sent him out this morning with one brown sock and one black and white striped sock with a pirate logo on it. Isn't that wacky kiddies?
Tomorrow is Theodore Geisel Day. The kids will read one of my personal favorites, "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish." And the whole party wraps up on Friday with a green eggs and ham feast.
So let me wish everyone a Happy Dr. Seuss Week! May we all celebrate life the way the good Doctor intented. And always remember to "THINK! You can think any think that you wish ..."
- Dave
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Oh, the Places You'll Go!
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