It's a cold, gray, blah kind of day here in the burbs, and I'm feeling a little cold, gray and blah myself. I need a little pick-me-up. Something to bring a smile to my face and joy to my bosom. I'm not even sure if guys have bosoms, but it sounds kind of dramatic don't you think? And when it comes to writing it's much better to be dramatic than factual, I always say.
I've got just the thing to make our bosoms joyous indeed.
You may have noticed the photo at the top of this posting. The thing that looks like something out of a 1950's, "We've just dropped an atom bomb in the desert, and now giant tarantulas are storming the city!!" movie. Well, this little beauty is our new lamp!
I know what you're thinking so don't even say it. You're wondering how we came upon such a beautiful work of art, right? How this masterpiece of form and function fell down from the hands of angels and into our living room, yes?
Some people just have all the luck. It's as simple as that.
This little beauty was crafted by my Great, Great Uncle. Family legend states that while working on the contstruction of the Hoover Dam, my Great, Great Uncle felt inspired to build lamps out of cactus. He painted scenes of the Hoover Dam on these lamps and gave them to his sisters. My Great Grandma (his sister) received this lamp and cherished it. It has since been passed down from my Grandpa Bob, to my Mom and now to me.
And I just have to say ... it's absolutely fantastic! April and I simply love unique stuff. We have a unique house. We have a unique bright-green Jeep. We have a unique child. And now we have one of the most unique lamps I've ever seen! It even came with a homemade match box and ash tray. I love it!
So ignore the gloomy-gloom-gloom outside and take a gander at this fantastic creation. It lights up a room. It starts many a conversation. And, if we're lucky, someday it will dance around the room singing show tunes.
You just never know!
Smile kiddies! Smile!
- Dave
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