Let me set the scene. Friday night. Jumping into the Matrix after watching "Ice Age" at the multi-plex. Every pore riding high with sugar (Nerds!) and excitement (Animated awesomeness!).
The windows are down and warms air blows invitingly through my hair. The sun is setting and the night is filled with a familiar summer magic. Dar Williams blasts through the speakers, and I can't help but sing along as the car whips down the open road.
"Ride a circle off the highway"
"Spiral into the driveway"
"In the maze of all prefabs"
"They'll be waiting at the lab"
As I'm singing out to the heavens, I notice an enthusiastic little voice in the backseat.
"mmmmmdada HAAAABBSS!!"
"hhhaaaaaa .. LAAAABBB!!!"
God I love that little kid!!
Sing it strong kiddies!
- Dave
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