I turned 32 yesterday. I'm not going to lie, this was a tough birthday for me. I spent the week leading up to my "big day" holding a nice little pity party for myself. Groveling about how I'm a year older and still have no real idea of what I want to "do" with my life. You know, because having a beautiful, smart and wonderful soulmate for a wife who happens to walk on water, along with a loving son, great health, a fantastic family and all of my other blessings just isn't enough, right?
Poor me. Poor, poor me.
Thankfully I was shaken out of my misguided pouting by an absolutely wonderful day. The kind of birthday that I will clutch close to my heart forever.
It all started with a five-year-old hovering over my sleeping self and proudly announcing, "Dad, it's morning time! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"
I took one look at Michael's beaming grin and laughed. Michael burst out of the room for just a second and returned holding a gift bag. I opened the card and heard Spongebob Squarepants belt out a rocking version of "Happy Birthday." Mr. Squarepants ended his serenade stating, "This is going to be the best day ever!"
I reached in the gift bag and pulled out a brand new Wii remote. "Now we can play against each other Dad," Michael announced. It was game-on from there, as Michael proceeded to humiliate his old man at Wii tennis and baseball. It was a blast!
A little while later I was sitting in the kitchen, cruising the internet, when Michael appeared holding pieces of construction paper. He shoved the papers onto my forehead, taking measurements and whispering, "okay, good," before running off. He did this at least three times. I pretended not to notice.
Michael proudly entered the kitchen and handed me my "birthday crown," that he created all by himself. It was blue and orange (Go Broncos!) and said "Happy Birthday" in Michael's unique handwriting. It was beautiful!
The party shifted to my parent's house in the afternoon. Michael unleashed his Easter egg hunting skills in the back yard, while Dad chased the little guy around with the camera. Michael emerged with a large basket filled with candy and his own "Boise Hawks" baseball helmet. Quite a haul if you ask me.
My own glorious haul arrived a short time later. I sat on the couch with my eyes closed, awaiting my birthday present, when I heard several voices exclaim things like "oh my" and "wow." Naturally this piqued my interest. But nothing could have prepared me for the sheer awesomeness of this gift.
I opened my eyes and gazed upon an official "Boise State Fiesta Bowl Champions" football in a beautiful case. I lost my breath for a moment. And that was before I noticed that this particular football was covered with autographs. I looked closer and saw signatures such as "K Moore #11" and "Austin Pettis #2."
It was all too much.
My mom, who officially wins the "Coolest Mom in the Universe Award," used her "connections" to give me a football filled with autographs from the Boise State football team. You know, the 14-0 Fiesta Bowl Champions that finished No. 4 in the country! Perhaps you've heard of them?
I nearly lost it. I couldn't contain my excitement!
It turns out that my mom knows Kyle Brotzman's mom. For those who don't know, Kyle is Boise State's place kicker. The guy who just happened to complete a pass on a fake punt helping Boise State defeat TCU in the Fiesta Bowl. A play living in infamy in Bronco Nation.
It turns out Kyle is also a supremely nice guy. He took this football into the Broncos' training room and had several of his teammates sign it. Coach Pete also signed the ball, and now it sits on my bookshelf where I've been staring at it all morning.
Truly the best birthday gift I've ever received.
So, just to recap, I turned 32 yesterday. I wore a birthday crown that Michael made himself, spent the day with my wonderful family and received a football signed by Coach Pete and several players from the greatest team in Boise State football history. Oh, and I was serenaded by Spongebob Squarepants who truthfully proclaimed, "This is going to be the best day ever!"
Poor me. Poor, poor me.
- Dave